Limitless Run Series: Remedial Massage For Runners

remedial massage

“Pain changes how we function and can even inhibit healing. Massage may also help with recovery after a workout and may help get us out of stress dominated state of our nervous system” - Greg Lehman  physiotherapist and chiropractor 

Massage has long been a part of a runner’s training program. It improves circulation, reduces muscle soreness, and removal of exercise waste products like lactic acid. Massage helps relax tense muscles and removes adhesions or minor scar tissue between muscles and facia. The tension and adhesions can restrict movement and decrease range of motion. 

Massage can reduce pain and the intensity of muscle soreness after a workout or marathon. Some studies indicate that massage can reduce inflammation, improve immune function, and reduce stress hormones like cortisol. 

Massage will promote more circulation to your muscles which will help aid your recovery, in a similar mechanism to that of compression socks and compression tights. 



The best time to get a massage before a race, is 2-3 days prior. Massage right before the race may leave you sore on the starting line. Or, it will reduce muscle tension so you feel ‘flat’ or unresponsive. 

A massage straight after a race or workout is counterproductive to the recovery process. There is still substantial muscle damage and massage may just make that worse. It is best to let the body heal for 2-3 days before booking your massage after a race.


Deep tissue/ remedial massage / sports massage: This type of massage is great and recommended for clients who run, or do intense workouts. This type of massage focuses on specific tight spots in both the deep muscle and also the superficial layers of fascia. 

Active Release Technique (A.R.T):  This massage is a combination of trigger point massage with movement by the therapist. This technique is designed to break up scar tissue and improve mobility. It is best used when there is a specific injury where scar tissue may be imparting the healing and recovery process. 

Swedish massage (relaxation): A Swedish massage is a relaxing massage, helping blood flow and warming the muscles up. It helps improve relaxation, muscle tension, and lowers stress levels without damaging or stressing the tissue. 


foam roller

Foam roller: using a foam roller is great for your ITB, glutes, quads, calfs, and thoracic spine.

Trigger point or Massage ball: Used to apply more direct pressure to active or tight trigger points. When using a massage ball, it is best to hold the pressure static in one place until the tension eases. Once the muscle lets go, you can then move on to another point.

Combing trigger point ball, foam rolling, and stretching will provide you with the most effective release at home.

Come see one of our therapists for an assessment, treatment, and a management plan going forward to keep you going before your next event.


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